Avada Car Dealer News

The National Autistic Society is here to transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people. There is still so much to do to increase opportunities, reduce social isolation and build a brighter future for autistic people.

Which is precisely why Thomas Harris of Aurelia decided to raise funds for this incredibly worthy cause, by running the Manchester Marathon!

Thomas, who we know as “Titch” says, “Although already a keen runner I’ve signed up to something I have ALWAYS said I’d like to do which is running a marathon. The event is in Manchester on 14th April 2024 and I’m running to raise money for The National Autistic Society.

As some of you may know my daughter was diagnosed with autism and it hasn’t been easy atall, the charity has helped in many ways from providing information on their website to answering questions we may have had and they do an amazing job! Aswell as raising money I’d like it to raise awareness to others around Autism as before Ava and the endless research my wife did/does I myself had VERY little knowledge or information about it and it has helped me in understanding more about it and the many different ways it can effect people, their brains and lives.”

So how much did he raise? A magnificent £1,934, against a target of £750!

Why not add to that figure, by donating via his Just-Giving page.